We are the first publicly traded real estate company focused exclusively on convenience real estate. Operating as a distinct sector within the retail real estate landscape, convenience properties are generally positioned on the curbline of well-trafficked intersections and vehicular corridors in the most desirable markets. Convenience properties boast superior access, visibility and offer dedicated parking.
Data analytics confirm that curbside real estate overwhelmingly caters to convenience trips from the growing suburban population, boosted by work-from home and limited supply. Assets offer dedicated parking and excellent visibility which has led to historically elevated retention and occupancy.
Convenience properties are laid out as a ubiquitous line-up of units that are attractive to a wide variety of high credit national tenants, including restaurant and service users, which limits long-term capital needs and obsolescence risk. Additionally, the standard lease structure protects against inflation with either fixed annual rent increases or renewal options embedded in tenant leases and renewal MTM opportunities.
Convenience assets make one of the most liquid retail real estate sectors with approximately $8B of properties trading on an annual basis providing an opportunity to scale a portfolio located in the top sub-markets of the U.S. There are no other public companies currently exclusively aggregating this property type.
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